Failure Free Reading | New Hope For Non-Readers | Educators | Dramatic Help For Your Not-Yet Readers
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For 25 years, Failure Free Reading has been the
intervention that schools turn to when all others have failed!
Jeff Clayton - - Senior Software Engineer/IT Director
ID Teacher calls Failure Free "an AMAZING reading program" [ MORE ]    
Internet Explorer Report Mode

How to use Reports with the new security features in Internet Explorer

New versions of internet explorer (9 and newer) have added new features that block some of our reports from running.

There is a simple 'one-button' fix!

Click the button (circled in red below) and it will restart in the proper compatibility mode for the reports to work.

How do you know if you are in the right mode to run reports?

When you are in the report mode (this only applies to Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and newer),
the icon will turn blue and there will also be a light blue scrollbar on the right.

(See screenshot below)

The reports should now work properly!